Saturday, December 11, 2010

True Love:- Makes u Crazy

Love is defined as when you seek and foster the goodness of others in the context of their concrete situations. And as per my views that statement can be interpreted in many different ways. 

There are many different types of love: self-love, friendship love, erotic love, parental love, love of nature, romantic love, and God’s love

1. Self-love is when you love yourself, not vainly, but just caring about yourself and you well being. 

2. Friendship love is when you and another person love each other in a platonic way. 

3. Erotic love happens when two people want to join together in union in both body and mind. 

4. Parental love is the affirmation parents make about their kids. It’s an unconditional love because parents love their kids no matter what bad things they do. 

5. Love of nature is when you respect all of God’s creations, and nurture them. 

6. God’s love is the love that God has for us. 

7. Finally Romantic love is a  friendship love only on a much deeper level. The two people care about each other so much that they only want to be with each other. Like as i have with My someone Special......

In romantic love you love a person on a much deeper level....or in that you forget all the negative points of your partner. whether he or she makes you feel gentle, happy or with him you feel that you are on a cloud 9 or a 7....but somehow someway at the peek point you think that how much this happiness remains with you??

Naturally, this is one of the first agreements we make with ourselves. It also has a way of funneling many of our perceptions to a negative polarity, in that when we look to others for acceptance and it does not occur. No one can decide for another individual what is what. Yet the mind casts its shadow upon such events and leads the feeble creature to believe otherwise. Perhaps we are just turning away from feelings we do not want to deal with. Upon close examination of relationships in ones life, it is very likely that love had little to do with the beginning or end of any of them. 

Obviously there is no purpose in your life, otherwise you would not live in the past"

No one else in this world can show you the path of love. Its a internal feeling which you found when you met a person and at that time your mind and heart automatically structs you badly and then you automatically think about him......and after so much trying to stop yourself to think about him, you cant stop or beat your self. As i felt this after 4 years also.....

Love cannot be explained in words, only feelings. It is simply to complex for humans to understand through words. The only way a human can possibly understand love is to have been in love at one point and time. To most love is a noun, but to me love is a verb. 

In order to realize what true love is, it has to be displayed through actions. The actions displayed are not always positive as we read in what we talk about when we talk about love. True love is exhilarating, confusing, emotional, exhausting, and full of give and take (which i believe). People often do things that they realize they do not want to do. They do it just because they want to make the other person happy

It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return, but what is most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let the person know how you feel.

I dont know that i am right or wrong..evn dont know that in future he will be mine or not..but  the thing which i know is that   i love him..I love him from the bottom of my heart.....& want him to be mine forever..He is become my soul now......whenever i met him i felt a new part of love from his side. He never hurts  me, always cares me. Please GOD wrote his name in my Dictionary of DESTINY so that no one can dare to make us apart from each other.

Love has become the ultimate pleasure.

By Vrinda Sharma.


  1. great...
    but the question still exist for me "WHAT IS LOVE?"
    you have written a great explanation to bring about the meaning..
    but one can only feel the pain, when he has been hurt.. same is the case with love(of each type..)

  2. i dont think so himanshu that same cause applied for each type of love.........cause love spread different different definitions for each love.... think once again with examples....
