Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Love for sumone special.

As I stare at the sky, I see a shooting star and then I think of YOU.......

I made a WISH upon that Shooting star, hoping YOU would LOVE me the way that


When I looked into your eyes I knew it was true,

I love you and i thought you love me toooo.

Since then i found you, I wish that I will be with YOU,

But I am not and won't stop wishing for YOU...

Day after day I wish.....You hold me tight, KISS me with your soft gentle Lips

And say that You love me......

But every time I see you You are holding and busy with your work all the time.

.and no time 2 talk to me

I LOVE YOU more than words could i say,

 I wish I could hold YOU night and day....

I will Love you always an forever,

Even if you don't LOVE me ever...


  1. a poem which is filled with ur love, shows ur true emotions :)
    Good Going!

  2. Someone Love is nice and i come to rembered my SsSsS, i m dedicated this Peom my SSSSS
    thank u so much Vrinda,
    I like so much
